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Showing posts from April, 2016

The Heritage™ Walk

Visuals have a larger impact on how well we remember things. We remember some of our childhood stories better maybe because we read them or saw them on television. It is also about how well an artist tells a story that makes a lasting impression. The world is full of stories if you’re careful enough to notice. Some find a story beyond the imaginable while others in the simplest of things. What makes a good story is the art of presenting it to the audience. In this world driven by technology, it is as difficult to awe people as simple it is to reach out to them. Many modern story tellers have discovered an apt tool that has helped their stories reach thousands of people. A tool that we know as Instagram, and the story tellers – Instagrammers! It was the second day and the first Saturday morning of April when Bharat Floorings welcomed a select few Instagrammers for a walk that would go on to become an amazing experience for everyone involved. BFT had been planning The Heritage™ Wa...